Picture of Cold Pressed Cumin Oil

Cold Pressed Cumin Oil

100 ml

200 ml

Unfiltered black cumin oil (with sediment), obtained exclusively through the slow cold-pressing method, is known for its strong effect against pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. It is often recommended as natural immune system support, especially for protecting the throat mucosa. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce inflammation in the body, stimulate bile secretion, regulate cholesterol levels, and alleviate digestive issues. Additionally, it has a mild analgesic effect, which can help relieve pain.

Previous studies have shown positive effects of black cumin oil in the fight against prostate, colon, and pancreatic cancer. It has been concluded that it may help the immune system recognize and destroy cancerous cells before a tumor can threaten the body. Research has also indicated that it significantly reduces the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

The production process of this oil takes place on special presses that operate more slowly than industrial machines, ensuring that the oil temperature does not exceed 36 degrees Celsius at any stage. This method yields a smaller quantity of oil but preserves all of its medicinal properties.

For internal use

Black cumin oil is recommended as a preventive measure, taken twice daily in half a teaspoon. During treatment, it can be consumed two to three times a day in a full teaspoon. It is advised to take it for at least three months continuously, followed by a two-week break. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely.

For inhalation

Add a teaspoon of black cumin oil and tincture to half a liter of hot water, then inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes. This process can be repeated multiple times a day, with the addition of essential oils such as eucalyptus, basil, frankincense, or rosemary for enhanced effects.

For external use

Apply a small amount of oil to clean and damp skin. Its nourishing and regenerative properties can help with hydration and overall skin health.

Warning: Black cumin oil is mildly phototoxic, so direct exposure to sunlight or tanning beds should be avoided immediately after topical application.