Picture of Sport - Body & Massage Oil

Sport - Body & Massage Oil

150 ml pack

Dominant plants
juniper, eucalyptus, basil

It contains the active components of plant origin, essential oils and plant extracts from: geranium, eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, lavender, basil, cypress, chamomile, thyme ... It is used for a  massage, sport injuries, rheumatism, muscle aches, chronic fatigue, after a hard work ... It enhances blood circulation and removes toxic substances from the body. After an injury slightly rub some of this oil on the place that hurts.


It contains the active components of medicinal herbs, essential oils and plant extracts: geranium, eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary, lavender, basil, cypress, chamomile, thyme ...  very good in repressing the pain, which makes it a recognized and well known product, recommended for various painful conditions. Used for sports massage,  sport injuries, rheumatism, muscle aches, chronic tiredness after hard work ... Enhances blood circulation and removes toxic substances from the body.


After an injury slightly rub some of this oil on the place that hurts.


Enjoy a massage as often as possible! Give special attention to massaging your feet and soles. Visit a professional masseur, If you have the means, or find someone who can massage you. You will enjoy it in any case.